Noteworthy Links: Strata Edition
March 29th, 2016
We’re at Strata San Jose this week. Be sure to come by booth 737 in the expo hall to say hi! You can find all our talks (and sign up to receive slides) here. In the meantime, here are some links from all around the internet to get you in a Strata state of mind.
StackOverflow developer survey results—A peek into the tools people are using and where they’re using them.
In defense of extreme openness—A slide deck by Jake VanderPlas detailing the benefits of “coding in the open.”
Red Hat hits $2 billion—They hit $1 billion four years ago, and say they’re the first open source company to hit the $2 billion mark. Big day for open source!
Using big data to fight illegal fishing—Global Fishing Watch uses Google to track ships in an attempt to protect the environment.
Cyc goes to work—The AI, created by Doug Lenat, has been studying for 31 years. It will be used by Lucid, a company that uses AI to solve business problems. (Want more AI? Check out events here.)