Data Day Seattle 2017

John Akred will be in Seattle for Data Day Seattle talking about how machine learning. Let us know if you are also attending! If you can’t attend, use the form on this page to sign up for our slides.

Friday, October 20

Machine Learning: From The Lab To The Factory

When data scientists are done building their models, there are questions to ask:

  • How do the model results get to the hands of the decision makers or applications that benefit from this analysis?
  • Can the model run automatically without issues and how does it recover from failure?
  • What happens if the model becomes stale because it was trained on data that is no longer relevant?
  • How do you deploy and manage new versions of that model without breaking downstream consumers?

This talk will illustrate the importance of these questions and provide a perspective on how to address them. John will share experiences deploying models across many enterprises, some of the problems we encountered along the way, and what best practice is for running machine learning models in production.