Handling Small Files in MapR-FS
In this post, we will discuss how dealing with small files is different if you are using MapR-FS rather than the traditional HDFS installation.
In this post, we will discuss how dealing with small files is different if you are using MapR-FS rather than the traditional HDFS installation.
Making truly data-driven decisions can be a daunting task. Learn the first steps businesses can take, and why the effort is worthwhile.
Time will control if not controlled. In this post we share some tips for better time management.
We share high-level observations on how your organization can start with what you know about patients to build better, stronger patient relationships.
Is your company using data-driven marketing? Below are some links that illustrate data’s importance in marketing, including a concrete example in the travel industry.
Let the key aspirations that define the vision for your company be the cornerstones of your approach towards digitization. This ensures that the areas in your digitization plan are the right ones to focus on.
This past August was the first JupyterCon—an O’Reilly-sponsored conference around the Jupyter ecosystem, held in NYC. In this post we look at the major themes from the conference, and some top talks from each theme.
You should understand whether the right things have been measured and whether the results are suitable for the business problem.
How can you manage your implementation in a way that allows you to take maximum advantage of technology innovation as you go, rather than having to freeze your view of technology to today’s state and design something that will be outdated when it launches? You must start by deciding which pieces are necessary now, and which can wait.