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Paul Ho
Paul is an experienced engineering leader, with a strong history in Silicon Valley. Bringing a background in extremely large big data clusters, he blends scale and operations with the know-how to deliver business-driven analytics and applications.
Paul is an experienced engineering leader, with a demonstrated track record at many of Silicon Valley’s leading engineering firms. He has extensive experience building end-to-end data platforms for numerous Fortune 100 companies. Prior to joining SVDS, Paul built, stood-up, and supported one of the two Hadoop clusters at and Walmart Labs, with nodes of up to 1500 machines. He architected a complete Hadoop ecosystem including Hue, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Hbase, Pig, and Oozie components. He implemented best practices for cluster administration including MapReduce jobs for fraud detection, investigation of site problems through server logs, analysis of DOS attack sources. He also built the first recommendation engine for Prior to Walmart, Paul held engineer positions at Sun Microsystems and Silicon Graphics.
Paul holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology.